Lion Insulation for Residential is used for thermal and acoustic insulation in the walls. Households bring this insulator element in use for adding comfort, soundproofing and heat control in their homes.
Floor Insulation
Lion Insulation provides finer fibers (3-5 microns) and higher density from 48 to 144 Kg/m³ giving lower thermal conductivities at each temperature. Lion Insulation has good noise absorption characteristics in the lower frequency ranges and hence can be used for acoustical sound proofing application.
Roof Insulation
In India building accounts for 10% of total green house gas emission. Energy consumption in building segment is rising at a faster rate due to rapid urbanization. Lion Insulation for Residential insulation pays for itself in 3 to 5 years thru reduced electricity or fuel bill.
Wall Insulation
People living in insulated walls enjoy comfortable lifestyle as insulation ensures effective temperature management and leaves no room for energy loss. This also reduces the requirement of heating or cooling systems.
Noise Absorption
Lion Insulation is best suited for Building insulation with superior noise absorption qualities and best results in Indian environment
Thermal Insulation
The fiber quality of Lion Insulation is tested for best results for thermal insulation in Indian climate conditions
Low Energy Bills
Lion Insulation provides the most competitive return of your investment in Insulation with a energy savings paying off in a short time the cost of insulation